Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What's Your Latest Joy Trigger?

Last week, I posted a question on Facebook asking friends to share the small (and even weird) things that recently brought them joy. The responses ran the gamut, with joy sparkers like:
  • A burping contest with my kids
  • Watching teenagers put neon Post-It Notes all over a friend's car
  • Reading 50 Shades of Grey
  • Seeing a son's first smile
  • Booking a trip that requires a visa in addition to a passport
  • Watching a man in a fedora sing along to Tina Turner in his car
  • A 5lb pet Chihuahua who thinks it is the bodyguard to an 85lb Golden Retriever
  • Snuggles from a pet cat and insider "lingo" among family members
  • Kids who only respond when called by their nicknames
  • Hearing the excited voices of children when you're about to come through the door
  • Listening to a dirty comedian with a glass eye
  • Celebrating a family reunion with crazy costumes and wigs

My newfound joy came when I decided to perch myself on one of the retaining walls in our backyard and read for awhile. As I sat there, dangling my legs over the grass below, the late afternoon sun warming by back, I felt overcome by a sense of freedom and mild elation. For twenty whole minutes, I got to just hang out, carefree, wildly swinging my appendages like I was 9 again. It was delicious.

I've been reading the book The Joy Diet as part of my Martha Beck coaching coursework and it has further underscored the already important task of finding more joy in everyday life. Whether that means seeking a few more laughs on YouTube or DamnYouAutoCorrect between work meetings, or doing something scary or exciting to get my heart beating a little faster, or finding time to relax and dangle my feet over a wall in the backyard, it can all add up to better feelings between sunrise and sunset.

I know for me, scheduling some purposeful joy time has definitely shifted my overall mood. 

And if the Law of Attraction indeed rings true, creating space in your life for joy will only work to draw even more happiness your way.

So tell me, what would you do today if you wanted to bring more joy into your life? 


  1. I would leave on vacation today, instead of tomorrow, to bring more joy into my life. Alas, I won't complain - I can practically feel the warm sand of vacation between my toes.

  2. Did you et joy from seeing that squash flower?

  3. Nilsa - Knowing now that you weren't able to go on vacation makes that comment extra sad!

    Dr. Zibbs - Absolutely! I love all the flowers in my garden! :)
